Saturday, October 27, 2007

My feet used to be small; another musing

When I was born my feet were very small. The older I get the larger they grow. If this continues by the time I'm planted six feet under the soil my toes will be sticking out of the ground.

Of the new do-hinkey's I'm going to be learning this year why my feet are expanding is just one among many questions that have occurred to me since reading the article on 43 things to learn about. I've decided to start close to home. I'm determined to learn how to unlock the lock box that holds the key to my house should I forget or lose my keys. I think this is a smart move. Next, there is my digital camera that currently I can only turn on and off, then I'll learn to adjust my car radio & discover what all those mysterious buttons & dials really do. I'm going to make myself sit down and read that 108 page book on my new cell phone. I'm sure that phone can do surprising things like maybe teleportation. {If I'm suddenly gone then you'll know that this is the case.} There is such an array of new tools, implements, paraphernalia, phobias and accouterments to learn that the list will be endless. It is a time to be glad. A time for change.

There is nothing quite like change. Change can be good as long as it doesn't invlove something on me sagging. I'm determined to retool my cognitive & emotional functions to embrace an altered terra firma. I think the word I want is reformation. Yes. That is it! There will be a reformation in my life. Now I'm really up for and dedicated to making a change. It will be a giant leap forward. It doesn't matter if I feel like a puny turtle trapped in a biosphere of warp-speed rabbits; I've been given the tools to jump aboard, to learn, to grow and to pass it on to others. Hey, it kinda' sounds like fun.
The more I learn the more I like it.

1 comment:

Accumulate Man said...

You are a pretty darned witty writer,Blogmewithaspoon! You're right..learning new things involves changing your old viewpoints and skills for new, updated ones. Change can be fun if we're not pulled into it kicking and screaming, but accepting it as a positive learning to operate your car radio! But change for the sake of change because everyone else is doing it is where I stand back and watch awhile..and chuckle along with writers like you! I look forward to reading your version of the 95 Thesis..all good Reformations have them! Salud!